Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Even if there’s Only 2% of Hope…

Dear You,

It’s been a while since I get caught off-guard by such lingering taste of bitter-sweetness.

Despite the possibility of you being motivated by sales commission from the get-go, I am nonetheless overwhelmed by your bubbly cheerfulness and gravitating enthusiasm, as evidenced by my inability to remove your constant appearances on my mind for the past few weeks—ever since I laid my eyes on you for the first time.

I just feel that I owe it to myself to acknowledge such irrational crush/ inexplicable infatuation towards the deep and lasting impression you effortlessly left behind for me.

Hence I would very much like to conduct a brief interview session with you, containing the following 3 questions with the expectation of a series of ‘YES’ :) , or, ‘NO’ :( as answers.

--Are you single and available?

--Would you consider the potential of me as your suitor?

--Would you bestow upon me some hints of interest on your part in the form of Telco digits/ trails on cyberspace?

If all the above are NO: A possibly long and not to mention painful phase of deep self-loathing will be descending upon me, but heck I think I can live with a truthful albeit a little hurtful way of closure.

If all the above are YES: Congratulations, You’ve just granted yourself the most exclusive rights to all my time, energy and most importantly, undivided attention, all of which will be completely at your disposal.

Unbeknownst by you this may be…

But you unintentionally threw me an opener:


Perhaps you would be kind enough to show this near-perfect stranger a green light, or, at the very least, a closure, too?


Yours Truly.

P/S: Time will tell whether I am a very brave guy or an extremely stupid man, and whether you think it was just a foolish antic by an admirer or a mildly disturbing act of alienation by a freak…

But I did what I did when our paths crossed again yesterday to make sure I made an impression on you, too…

In any case, I am just flesh of blood who was hit by THE BUG!


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