Sunday, December 03, 2006

Oops! I did it again (and again…again…and again…)

I have done something terrible…

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(I’ll be damned if I ever need to live a life without books & tunes…)

My self-imposed/short-lived self-disciplinary attempt of “no more CD/Book shopping” were totally abandoned by none other than my weak-minded self, which has always been deeply-inhibited in the unhealthy sense of greediness and an abnormal appetite for all things pleasurable.

All I could remember about this incident was: me lowering my guard at the sight of those big bold signs that marked “Year-End Clearance Sale”, which upon closer inspection led me to the discovery of some great deals in the form of discounted rates: “30%” or “70%” or even “90%REBATE!

So before I knew it, I lost all ability of self-control and started to grab myself a handful of unbelievably-low-priced-merchandises, subsequently found myself queuing-up in front of the payment counter and then willingly handed over my hard-earned cash.

Oh yeah, now come to think of it, I didn’t actually need to pay much though, because the figures on the price tag was so low, sort of like cheaper-than-dirt-cheap, IT ALMOST COSTED ME NOTHING!!!

Heck, with price this cheap, they are practically giving out the stuffs for free!

And I think it would totally be a crime if anyone could walk out of this book fair empty-handed.

So do you still think I should be faulted for eating my own words?



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