Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Something for All of You to Chew On

Here's 1 rather amusing article i found on a printed ad in a mag, i must say that it was an excellent ad because it managed to grab my attention and made me getting a pen and jotting it down, so that i could retype it in my blog and share with you guys. Here's how it went:

Dear customers,

Every year billions of dollars spent by countless companies to convince people like you to part with your dough, by bombarding you with subliminal ideas that you are worthless without their product or if you are not doing, wearing, or driving what their endorsers are doing, wearing, or driving.
Obviously, we would like you to purchase and wear our products, but not because of what you are not, but because of what you are. WE REPRESENT YOU.

Brand xxx xxxx

Such clever line, ain't it?


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