Friday, October 07, 2005

Things i Learned While Watching the 'Idiot Box'

Being a couch potato certainly has its own advantages, in my case, i've managed to pick up a few excellent lines that best describes some of my unusual characteristic from the shows that i tuned into. Let me explain how:

"Why is anger always your first reaction!?"
Yes, i do admit....But you may not know this:There are not many people i know that can make me lose my cool in such a lousy manner, i simply can't be bothered with whatever they've done to me, or even their existence on the face of this earth.
So my answer to the question above would be: I am angry because i tried too hard, and most importantly, i cared too much.

"Why are you getting all worked-up over nothing?"
I sure did huh? Well, can't really help it. Why? Refer to the answer above.

"I only act defensively"
This is the best one! A 4-word-sentence got everything covered! Sorry if i sounded offensive, whatever i did, it was only meant for me to protect myself, and, to make up for the lack of the sense of security in me.I know it's a worst thing a man could do in the name of self-expression, and for what it's worth, i definitely don't feel any better after doing it.

Just so you know.

What would my life be, If without TV?



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