Thursday, August 17, 2006

Reasons why I would like to take a deep breath now and hold it until my face turns blue and then I collapse…

Woe is me!!! Here’s why:-

1. All work and no play has earned me nothing but an awful lots of frustration, I’m so ready to put up my fists and take a swing at someone or something if I ever get my chance…
(Alert! Alert! Intense rage of violence detected! Run for your life people!)

2. Seriously lacking sleep. Desperately trying to play catch up with my life in hope of getting more mileage out of the time I am awake, all at the expense of quality time with my bed and pillows. The damn invisible clock is always ticking around me! I'm so alerted by it!

3. There are so many people around me who had nothing better to do in life than passing judgments on my less-than-perfect-physique and the recent tendency of me growing slightly out-of-shape—which is the direct result from a hectic agenda of work being thrown my way.

4. Why didn’t you call me yet? You promised that you would once you are in better shape, but this is taking too long. What happened? I’m so worried, you have no idea how much I miss you…Callmecallmecallmecallme!

Hence why,

Woefully me.


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