Sunday, July 02, 2006

Worry not, cause i won’t bail on you, ever.

Could my random and occasional thought of you been so strong? that, you somehow pick up these senses from the air around you, then decided to pick up the phone, and teasingly lodged a complaint of me on the other side of the line for not calling you as often as i used to be.

In my defense—I am sooo very meant to call you, from time to time, every so often-ly.

It is just that sometimes when you tell me about how demanding your personal life really is and how preoccupied you are with all those people of high significance around you. It sort of trigger off that undeserving feelings in me that you time is too precious to be spent on me; that you have far more important matter to attend to; that there are others who should be receiving more attention from you than me.

Which makes me reluctantly take a few steps back to clear the path, to NOT get in the way of anything.

Yes—I have every reason to be reluctant. There are certain things in life we just couldn’t let go easily.

For one, lines like this courtesy of you:

“tell me some stories, i wanna hear your stories...”

It could just be a plain line slotted in between a meaningless piece of conversation to most people, but i chose to interpret it to my own favor—that there are real people around me that would actually take interest in me.

I could be wrong; Perhaps i am a bit over imaginative on this, but nevertheless, it always leaves a deep impression in me that i am worthwhile of knowing and should be known and understand a little better to you.

So, to me, these words are not just words anymore--They are the sign of heartfelt sincerity, the kind that i can unmistakably hear and feel, and the kind that I would have a tough time to get over with.

Hence the reluctance and struggle in me.

Of being distant to the warm and fuzzy feelings you always gave me.


Tonight, i don’t know what to make of this situation.

I mean, i am sooo glad you called, even happier that it was my number you chose to dial instead of many other numbers on your phonebook, most excited that we finally get to see each other again after quite a while.

But upset and unhappiness had a hand in those act, right? Cause your eyes and the tone of your voice said so.

You are lost, confused, in great dilemma.

You don’t like to be hurt, nor that you wanna be hurtful to that relationship.

You said that you are going to dissolve the lingering taste of sourness in your mouth, and opt for that new breath of fresh air that willingly present itself to you for your taking.

To which i should've responded by re-using this phrase that i told you long time ago before, but never quite managed to convert it to spoken words this time, in fear of ruining the air of calmness we were trying to maintain the whole night.

“i got your back no matter what!”

Sounds familiar right?

I had this line, but what did i do instead? Made dumb face and cracked lousy jokes.

So much for being caring and compassionate...

For what its worth, the offer above still stands, and i doubt it will ever expired.

Remember that, will You?


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