Well well well, what better way to kick off my posting on this blog than providing a low-down about my lousy-self.
Indeed I'm gonna do just that.
Ah...this ain't gonna be an easy task...even for myself.
See I'm constantly questioning my own personality/character (if I have any). Up until today, after spending twenty over years of my worthless & pathetic life on the face of this earth, I still can't decide whether I am calm or aggressive, super confident or low self-esteem, emotionally stable or terrible mood swings...I could probably go on and on with such list of contradiction about myself, but I'd rather not....
At this point, I think I could almost hear the yawn of all you out there who happen to be reading this right now. It is not my intention to induce snore among all of you...the seemingly unsolvable state of bad traffic in KL can probably do a better job on this.
Are you confused yet? I am. One tend to lose grip in the times of struggling with ownself, is it called identity crisis, doubtful-minded, inconfident?...Whatever. The truth is, the attitude of negativity creeps on me and attack when I'm least expected. Day or night, rain or shine, whether I like it or not, making me emotionally vulnerable and worst, pissed off and angry with everyone around me, which subsequently, turned me into an extremely difficult companion to keep.
So now it's all clear that why I would named this blog in such a peculiar way... I think it really suits me well and most importantly, it is so very catchy and cool and attention grabbing. IT IS WHO I AM!!!
On that note...until the next posting...TATA!
Now if you excuse me, I gotta go do some more soul searching, to find some elements of inspiration for my next article.
I am officially ending these ramblings of mine..... for now.